5 best classes to ease your body back into outdoor workouts.



5 best classes to ease your body back into outdoor workouts.

The light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter and brighter, with every day that passes. Some of us have continued our workout regimes from home, or alone in the great outdoors during each lockdown. But it hasn’t been that easy for others – with limited space inside, childcare, or work getting in the way, it’s been tricky to find ways (and the motivation) to stay fit over the past year. 

At Bua Fit, we’ve been running online sessions throughout the past year, and we’ve loved seeing so many of you enjoying them. With outdoor classes about to make a huge resurgence, here are some classes you should check out, as a way to ease back into exercise.

Early Bird – Parliament Hill Bandstand

Sure, we’ve been enjoying our lie-ins whilst working from home, but who doesn’t love starting the day with some fresh air, sunshine, and seeing friends? Trainer Roland Horvarth, who has been with us since 2020, creates fully immersive classes that’ll blitz your body, revitalise your mind, and reset your head. I think we all need that after the past year!


Vinyasa Yoga – Clissold Park

Simone fell in love with yoga over ten years ago, and is now helping hundreds of fitness enthusiasts around London do the same. With the feeling of grass beneath your feet, you’ll not only feel grounded, you’ll also have a strong understanding and awareness of your balance and breath. The freeing feeling of controlled, deep breaths, helps with both our mental and physical health. 


COVID Camp – Battersea Park

Bua Trainer Jamie started COVID Camp to help people improve both their physical and mental health during the challenging times we’ve been living through. The aim of this class is to fill participants with dopamine and endorphins, giving them something to smile about! The circuit-based class is a favourite among the Battersea locals. 


Bouncing In The Park – Crystal Palace Park

With all the sitting at home we’ve been doing, our joints may need awakening. What better way to get them working, than bouncing on a trampoline, in the great outdoors, listening to some absolute bangers on the boombox? Sarah Adkin – Bua Trainer since 2018 – believes that the social side of group fitness is key to keeping us all motivated and inspired, even when things get tough. We’re on board with that mindset!


Harder, Better, Faster Stronger: HIIT IT!

Whilst some people may want to slowly reintroduce exercise back into the daily routine, others may want to come back and waste no time burning the calories, sweating buckets, and feeling a bit achey the next day. This HIIT-style all-body shakedown will help you burn around 10 calories per MINUTE. Your whole body will get a whipping, so come prepared, and make sure you stretch!


Our classes are all available to book online, so what are you waiting for?

As always, stay fit and healthy.


Keep it interesting, convenient and fun. Choose from a wide variety of wellness solutions in incredible outdoor locations or from the comforts of your own home.

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